Virginia Beach is full of wonderful places to eat but I had my heart set on some Max and Erma's tortilla soup. So guess where we ate lunch?
Lexi decided an appetizer was in order.... and took one bite....
I am so thankful for my new camera. This was priceless.
She quickly decided to wait for her mac and cheese.
Which she devoured. Plus a bowl of applesauce. She's a good eater.
Wouldn't you know I completely forgot to take any pictures but you can see it on her blog It is beautiful. And I am so happy for her. She is so talented and will have it looking like a show place when she is finished.
After our little sight seeing tour we headed back to Jamerson's house. It was time to give Lexi her belated Christmas and birthday presents. She was so funny when she saw presents. I'm not sure what she was saying but I'm sure she knew what was coming.
She started opening the big one first. She tore one little piece of paper off and handed it to me and said, "Trash", then another little piece..... then another and then she saw the doll inside and off came bigger pieces.
After the doll was out the box nothing else mattered, including the other presents she had to open.
In fact, she took a card and the contents and threw it on the floor. You know, the heck with a card, I have a new baby doll now.
After all the presents were finally opened it was time for daddy to put together the baby doll stroller
with some help from Pappy too.
Sort of reminds me of a joke about pollocks and a light bulb.
With baby stroller assembled it is time for a dance recital. Of course, Lexi is the star dancer and singer too. You should hear her version of the theme song to Two and a Half Men.
All that singing and dancing can make a girl tired and ready for bed.
What a wonderful day!!!