After the second attack we took a little drive. Straight back to the breeder we got him from. "Here", I said. "He's all yours".
I'm sure she felt bad and she offered to make things right. She offered me the pick of the next litter and being the hopeful soul I am, agreed. A few months later the breeder called to tell me the pups had been born and we could come pick one out. And we excitedly did just that. We picked a little black and tan ball of fur we named Dreyfus.
Dreyfus was a lot of fun and a lot of work. I had forgotten how much attention puppies require but I was still hoping for the cute little lap dog. I must remind you that Dreyfus came from the same breeder as Pepper. Any red flags popping up? I guess any normal person would put two and two together. Not me though. I wanted a sweet dog to cuddle with and what was the chance that two cocker spaniels would be mean and vicious.
Dreyfus stayed with us for a while and when Billy Head came into my life he and Dreyfus bonded immediately. Billy Head was convinced he was the Alpha Male and Dreyfus his loyal playmate. I need to add here that these cocker spaniels were not lap dogs. They never sat still.
One day Dreyfus went outside with Billy Head. We didn't let him outside without a leash very often but this particular day we did. Wouldn't you know my neighbor decided to come outside and that's all it took. Dreyfus bolted across the yard and pinned my poor neighbor up against her house. Billy Head rushed to get him and Dreyfus bit him. And in return (one good deed deserves another) Billy Head bit him back.
I think Billy Head, the Alpha Male was hoping to teach Dreyfus a lesson but when he bit him, THAT was the last straw. We took another short drive. Guess where?
I guess the third time is a charm. Meet Cody Dean.
Finally, My LAP DOG! He is the sweetest and laziest dog I know. He is a Yorkshire Terrier and we got him by accident. We went to a breeder's house to look at their new puppies but they were quite expensive. I fell in love with them and wanted them all but I have no money and especially no money to spend on three darling puppies. Anyway, the breeder mentioned she had 12 or so older yorkies outside in the kennels and her husband told her she had to downsize. We went and took a peek. They were all barking and jumping and wanting us to notice them. But there was one barking louder than the rest and jumping higher than the rest. I think he was saying, "Look at me, Pleeeeeaaaasssseeeeeee, Look at me" and Billy Head picked up on that right away. I am oblivious to some things.
Billy Head informed me that was the one. I looked at him and thought, his teeth are stained and his ear is broken. What does Billy Head know about picking a dog anyway??? I knew I had no argument, after all I wasn't exactly the best dog picker either, nuff said. I wasn't impressed with this little dog at all and if it had not been for Billy Head my precious little lap dog would still be jumping his heart out in that kennel.
So this is Cody. Stained teeth, stinky breath, floppy ear and all. I love Him like no other dog in the world.
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