Monday, January 5, 2009

Visiting Granny and a look back

My dad and I went to visit his mom, my granny or "Old Granny" as we affectionately call her. It tugs on your heart to visit her. She is 94 and her body shows the frailness that comes from living 94 years. She is not very alert and she mainly eats and sleeps. We visited just after lunch hoping to catch her awake for a few minutes.

She looks so uncomfortable in her chair but I think she knew we were there. At one point she just stared at me.

My dad tried to wake her long enough to open her present. She wasn't impressed with the paper and bow but after she saw it was a box of chocolates her eyes widened a little.....

And she made her choice of not one but two pieces of candy. I knew after two pieces of chocolate she was more than likely very thirsty so we pushed her back to her room for some water and some rest. It is the worst feeling a child or grandchild can imagine watching your loved one age. I think she knew we were leaving as she wouldn't look at either of us when we tried to say good-bye. Talk about heart breaking. I hugged her tight and told her I loved her....knowing this would probably be the last Christmas we have her.

I miss the days when we all gathered at her house for Christmas. Some years there were as many as forty people at her house for Christmas lunch. Those days were so much easier. As a child you don't think about getting older and holiday traditions never changed. Families were together in one place... These pictures are just some of the wonderful memories I have of Christmas' past.

And the best part was having Old Pa with us. He loved Christmas and watching him open his presents was what I loved the most. He didn't care what he received, he just loved opening his presents. He was a good Papa and I miss him dearly. He liked calling the grandkids "Boots". I remember him saying Danny Boots, Patty Boots, Connie Boots and Tony Boots and if your name didn't sound right with "Boots" after it, then you were just "Boots".

I don't remember the taking of this picture but my aunt gave it to me a few years ago when I was making a family cook book. She told me that I received a "Tubsy" doll for Christmas that year which I was proudly showing off. My aunt also informed me that my cousin (standing beside me) was very upset that she didn't get a "Tubsy" too. Funny the things you find out 40 years later. I remember the doll but I had no idea my cuz was a tad bit jealous. I'm sure I was a selfish little brat and didn't let her play with it.

This is the reason I love photos...... MEMORIES.

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