Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Random Things About Me- #3

I really did not know what I was going to reveal today as I started typing this but when I looked down at my hands on the keyboard.... there is was, today's little bit of useless information about me. My hands are chapped and bleeding which leads me to explain this about myself...


Okay, so I guess you wonder what does bleeding hands have to do with throwing up. Well, all it takes is the mere utter of the words "Stomach Bug" and I start obsessing to the point of making myself sick. Recently we have had several people at work catch that nasty stuff and I have become germaphobic. Everytime I touch something that is germ infested I wash my hands. This can lead to at least 20 to 30 handwashing a day.

Now does it make sense? The more I wash my hands the more chapped they get and the more they bleed. But, in my mind.... better to have bleeding hands than to have the stomach bug. I will be glad when summer comes and my germ obsession subsides a little.

My lovely chapped, cracked and bleeding hands. Beautiful huh?

1 comment:

antoine laplante said...

sorry to see that you have such a problem with feeling clean that does that to your hands. You might look into carrying around a small bottle of hand cleaner that is easier on your hands. I know all the guys that went to Africa with me did because we were told not to use the water, so the hand cleaner had to be the one that doesn't use water.