Friday, March 20, 2009

Random Things About Me- #1

Facebook has certainly made one young man very rich and to think he was just a college kid with an idea to connect with some of this college buddies.... Why didn't I think of that? I guess maybe because my college years were very short lived... one to be exact and most of my friends were imaginary. Anyway, one of the neatest things I've discovered about Facebook is "25 Random Things About Me" Lists. In case you have no idea what I'm rambling about, it works like this. A friend will send you their list of things about them. Once you've received it, you've been tagged. You are then supposed to make a list of 25 random things about yourself and share it with 25 friends. The list can be complex and deep or simple and even stupid. It's fun to make the list but what's even better is reading other's list.

So why am I writing about this.... well, as you can see. I haven't exactly been committed to my blog lately and I really don't have anything life altering to write about so I've decided to reveal myself to you. One day at a time, one random thing at a time. And, I'll make it real simple and call it "Random Things About Me". How creative is that? For 9:15 am on a Friday, hey, what'd ya expect.

So, my first random reveal is...

I love to get mail.

My favorite part of the day is checking the mail box. I know, a little odd but I love getting what I call "Good Mail", you know, checks, rebates, coupons, sales ads, letters from friends, invitations. Bills I consider "Bad Mail" and nothing is more disappointing than opening my beloved mail box and finding BILLS.
When I moved in my house 9 years ago we must have been at the top of our mailman's route because our mail always arrived by 12:00 pm at the latest. Now, for some unknown reason, our mail arrives between 4:00 and 5:30 pm. I have even witnessed my mail being delivered after dark. For someone who is mail obsessed, this is a major problem. And, another not so agreeable kink in my mail routine, Billy Head's work hours changed a couple of months ago so now he gets home 30 minutes before me. No biggy except that means he gets to the mail box before me. URRRGGGGHHHH. If he only knew the agony this causes me. Then again good thing he doesn't or he'd have me attend meetings of "Mail Lovers" anonymous.

Have a great day and I hope you get some "Good Mail" today.

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