Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Birthday to Celebrate

My baby turns 24 TODAY!!

I didn't plan it this way when I was having babies but my two children have birthdays four days apart. Had I done any planning I WOULD NOT have done it that way. The month of November is hectic enough with Thanksgiving and Christmas shopping and to have two birthdays back to back. Not good. I definitely wasn't thinking.

When the kids were growing up we did the usual type parties like skateworld, putt-putt, Show-Biz, bowling and each year I had to throw two separate parties four days apart. I came to dread the second week of November for this reason.

I only have one video of the children when they were little and this one video happens to be of the one time I did a joint birthday party for my kids at the local skating center. It was a little on the chaotic side with both kids wanting my attention while they opened presents, blew out candles, ate cake and played with friends. I didn't know if I was coming or going. And neither did anyone else. Obviously someone got very confused and handed my son a gift they thought was his. There he was surrounded by a table full of his best buddies and to his horror opened the worst gift imaginable for a 6 year old boy - A Barbie Doll. He was mortified and it's all captured on film. He took that doll and threw it to the girls table. It was hilarious. We never did a joint party after that. Once was enough.

Happy Birthday JT- Mom loves you and I hope you have a wonderful birthday.

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