Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What's for dinner?

Isn't that the worst question ever! And if your Billy Head is anything like mine,

he probably is no help at all. When I ask Billy Head what he wants for dinner I get "I don't care" or " anything is fine" or better yet "something simple". This is not an answer. I want a real answer like hamburger steak and mashed potatoes or beef stew and rolls or spaghetti and meatballs with garlic toast. I know men know what they want so why is it so hard to speak up and help answer the question that haunts million of us women on a daily basis. Walking around the grocery store at 5:oo with no idea of what's for dinner is about as much fun as playing in traffic.

Sometimes I wish it was just written in stone like the ten commandments. Thou shall fix fried chicken on Monday, Pork Chops on Tuesday, Meatloaf on Wednesday, Hot Dogs on Thursday, Fish on Friday, Spaghetti on Saturday and Sunday thou shall rest and eat dinner out.

Repeat 52 times and there you have it. A yearly menu set in stone.

Life would be so simple. Boring but simple. With the invention of the worldwide web simple is a thing of the past. I can only imagine how many recipes are posted on the web and how many I have yet to see and try. Oh the choices. I don't do well with choices, the more there are the more time it takes for me to decide. See my dilemma.

Speaking of the ten commandments got me thinking, I wonder what the ladies of biblical times fixed for dinner and if they stressed over what to fix. I'm sure this is one of those questions that will generate a response from Billy Head that goes something like this..."You think too much" or his favorite..."Some of us have real jobs and do real work". Anyway, I didn't wake up thinking about biblical food but now that the thought is there I am curious.

Searching around a little it seems there are actually books written about meals from the bible. I don't think I would spend money on one but here is some free info I found.

There were staple foods consumed by the Jewish people in the Land of Israel during biblical times. They were called The Seven Species and consisted of:
Olives, Grapes, Wheat, Barley, Figs, Dates and Pomegranates. In modern days, only wheat remains a staple.

Looks like women had their work cut out for them. No internet, no Walmart, no microwaves, no kitchenaid mixers and the seven species as staples. And yes I think I was complaining at the beginning of this post. I hate to think that pomegranates would be one of my staples. What does one do with pomegranates anyway beside decorate with them?

Okay I think I have exhausted my quest for knowledge on this subject for now. So back to my original question- What is for dinner? I need an answer or I might sit here all day searching. Help!!!!


vgrey said...

Since I'm freezing my behind off here in sunny Virginia Beach, my vote is for chili. What time should I be there? I'll bring the cornbread.

sharon said...

Chili does sound good and I have it in mind for the weekend. OOhhhh maybe I'll make it when I get home on Friday night before the trick or treaters start coming. Good idea sis. Dinner will be at 6 and please bring the cornbread.