Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Halloween is only a couple of days away and I can't wait to see my little billy's all decked out in their costumes. They usually come to my house for their treats and then go thru my neighborhood trick or treating. This will be the first trick or treat night for Little Billy #4. Last year he was only a few weeks old so he didn't get to participate. This year, however, he is walking and ready to go. He is learning something new every day. My daughter called me yesterday to tell me he has learned a new word beside mama and dada. He can say Hunnnnn-Teeerrrr. I heard him say it last night as he was turning his dinner plate upside down and spilling peas everywhere. Apparently he still hasn't quite mastered the eating thing just yet.

Halloween! Halloween!
Oh what SPOOKY things I've seen.
Take a look!

These are my kids when they were little plus an Indian cousin. Oh how time flies!

These two little darlin's are my niece and nephew a few years back.

And this is Little Billy #4 last year just a few weeks old.

These goobers are my son and my niece and nephew. I can't quite figure out what my son was supposed to be. I think he was going thru his gangsta phase and decided he was too cool to dress up.

This cute little mouse is Little Billy #3 dressing up on her very first Halloween.

And these goblins are my billy daughter's crew plus Chris, her main man. (Looks like he is going thru his gangsta phase too). I crack myself up sometimes.

So to all you goblins and ghosts and freaks of the night.... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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