Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First week of school

Little Billy #1 made it thru the first week of school with no major issues.The first day she was overlooked in the lunchroom and did not receive lunch. Poor little thing, I know she was hungry. The second day was much better. The teacher was alerted to the problem and made sure she got her lunch. Thursday I picked her up from school and the first thing she asked me was "can we go to McDonald's?" School lunches must have changed very little since I was in school. I can remember getting home and eating every thing in sight.
She did tell me her teacher is mean. I asked her if she met any new friends and she started naming them.... MacKenzie, Mykala, J.T. ( and she was sure to add that this was not my JT, which is what we sometimes call my son) and Emma. She said she was the only Carson in her class and she doesn't like nap time. I told her I wished I could take a nap at work and she thought that was really funny. I sort of like that idea. Maybe I should back my bags and move south..... to Mexico where they have the right idea.... Siesta BABY!!! Adios Amigos.

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