Friday, September 12, 2008

H Man turns 3

Call me slow cause I am. But I have faced that reality. Hear that Billy Head, I have!!! Really, I have.

Hunter, Little Billy #2 turned 3 on July 19th and I am just now getting around to posting it here. My stupid camera messed up again on his birthday and most of the pictures I took were blurry. I get so annoyed when that happens and it happens a lot. I continue to drop those not so subtle hints to Billy Head that I really want a Nikon D40 or D60 camera. I've even picked it out and told him where to buy it. But he just stares into space when I talk about it. Pretending not to hear me but I know deep down he's listening. He wants me to think he's not but I know him well enough to know he's messing with me. How'd I get on that subject..... this is supposed to be about H man's birthday party. Okay, now back on track.

He wanted to have his party at Nana's house. And we did. Thank heavens it didn't rain cause there was no Plan B. We set up tables in the front yard

Centerpiece and all. (Tell me I'm not creative)

We filled up the kiddie pool and Pappy assembled the new slip n' slide for all the little Billy's

And the fun began........... Little Billy's played

and played....
and ate......
and made a wish....

and blew out the candles...

and Big Billy's, well they were just Big Billy's.

And as I mentioned earlier. I'm glad it didn't rain. I guess I should say I'm glad it didn't rain much and I'm glad we had all the presents on a table cloth because sure nuff that rain came and we went a scramblin to the house. Cody was a little upset that the festivities moved to his turf. He made sure we knew we were invading his space and positioned himself among the presents.

That's our Cody! A tad bit jealous.

Birthday boy had more than enough help opening his presents but all in all I think he had a great birthday.

I'm sorry for the blurry pictures. Blame can be placed on Billy Head. I NEED A NEW CAMERA. NIKON D40. Ya hear????

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