Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kids with Character

Little Billy #1 was honored today at her school. She was chosen as a "Kid with Character". I'm still not exactly sure what this means but she called me the other night and told me her news. She said she was chosen because she was trustworthy. That means she was allowed to have her family come and have lunch with her on the stage in the cafeteria today. I was touched that she called and asked me to come eat with her at school.

At lunch time today, Little Billy's mom and I went to Mickey Dee's and got the ALL FAMOUS, ALL KIDS HAVE TO HAVE IT, HAPPY MEAL for her and then headed to her school.

It was cute to see so many tiny little bodies walking in straight lines headed to the cafeteria.

And look there is her little buddy Noah (the one in the green).

and this is where little billy #1 eats most days

But today

this is where she ate,

with her Papa and......

her mom and me. (Pappy was sick and couldn't make it. He missed out)

I love my billy's- big and little.

Congratulations our little "Character Exhibiting Kid"

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