Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Curls, Curls and....

More curls

I love it when my son sends me pictures of little billy #3. She changes so much each week. I last saw her in August and I can't believe how much she has grown in a few weeks and how many curls she sprouted. I hope flat iron won't be in her vocabulary any time soon. I just love to see little babies with curls, don't you?
Hopefully little billy#3 won't be as particular about her hair as her nana. I'm not even sure I should write about this subject as I'm sure to get some "Amen sister's" from more than a few family and friends. And Billy Head... well, I'm sure he will chime in with his two cents worth. I never told him I was high maintenance but I don't think it took him very long to put two and two together. My children picked up on it when they were tots and still tell stories of mom and her hair. My daughter can remember having to wait to go to the pool until mom did her make-up and hair and then there was the time I tried to lighten it and wound up with brassy orange hair. Thank heavens for baseball caps and compassionate hair dressers.
Billy Head arrived late onto the hair scene but he was initiated early on. I had decided to switch hair dressers and try something new. My hair had pretty much been dark with some added highlights and I thought it would be nice to add some light brown color and highlights. I went to the new salon and took my place in the chair. The stylist was nice and I showed her a picture of what I wanted. She said that would look nice and she proceeded to mix up the color. I sat there for what seemed like an eternity nervously waiting my fate. And as if waiting was not bad enough, here comes Billy Head's ex-girlfriend in the salon. Turns out she and my new stylist were best buds. Ex-girlfriend stays the entire time I am processed and when I see my new DO I almost cried. I hated it but everyone said it looked good. I knew they were lying so I went home to wash it several times hoping to wash out this horrendous color. (Horrendous, reminds me of a deadbeat I once married). After I calmed down and convinced myself that it wasn't as bad as I thought Billy Head came over and his comment was..."What the heck (Of course he didn't say heck so use your imagination here) did you do to your head?" I was in tears at this point and through the sobs I told him my bad hair wasn't even the worst part. Then I shared about having to sit in the salon with his ex. That was a bad night and one I'm glad is over. (I've sinced switched salons).
My mother knows the history with me and my hair and she tried to give Billy Head some insight on the situation. She told him that you NEVER tell her that her hair doesn't look good. You just say you like it or it looks good and move on....quickly. Now he won't even acknowledge when I get my hair done. I'll even ask, do you like my hair and he just ignores me as ususal or fuss about the amount of money I spend on my hair. That's okay....I know he's just jealous that he doesn't have hair. It must be tough being bald.


vgrey said...

Amen Sister. Literally!

Anonymous said...

Love my curly head monster...